jueves, 9 de marzo de 2023


 Comparisons with adjectives

1) Take a look at the following words, they are adjectives and we can use them to describe people and animals. 

- Lazy: The koala is lazier than the lazy bear.

- Smart: Lisa Simpson is smarter than Homero Simpson.

- Fat: Mr. Barriga is fatter than Don Ramon.

- Strong: The lion is stronger than the dog.

- Handsome: Brad pitt is more handsome than Samuel L. Jackson.

- Talkative: People are more talkative than parrots.

- Beautiful:: The horse is more beautiful than the bat.

- Mad: Bears are madder than dogs.

4) Make comparisons of people you know with the characteristics in the image below.

- Attentive: Luisa is more attentive than Pedro

- Calm: Andres is calmer than Alejandro.

- Cheeky: Carlos is cheekier than Diego.

- Intelligent: My godfather is more intelligent than his brother.

- Faithful: Shakira is more faithful than Piqué.

- Pessimistic: Daniel is more pessimistic than Pablo.

- Friendly: Jhon is friendlier than Oscar.

- Good tempered: My dad has better tempered than my mom.

- Happy: I am happier than Andrés.

- Hard-working: Jaime is more hard-working than me.

- Honest: Diego is more honest than Samuel. 

- Nervous: Valeria is more nervous than Laura.

- Humble: Jhon is humbler than Sebastian.

- Lively: Adrian is livelier than Oscar.

- Obedient: Maria is more obedient than Camila.

- Optimistic: My cousin is more optimistic than my aunt.

5) Compare Cali’s neighborhoods taking into account the next characteristics in the image. Make comparisons and establish absolute facts in your guide.

- Save: The El Trebol neighborhood is saver than the El Ingenio neighborhood.

- Old: The San Antonio neighborhood is older than the San Fernando neighborhood.

- Bad: The Siloé neighborhood is worse than the El Rodeo neighborhood.

- Quiet: The Santa Rita neighborhood is quieter than the Nueva Floresta neighborhood.

- Dangerous:  The Comuneros 1 neighborhood is more dangerous than the Ulpiano Lloreda neighborhood.

- Big: Commune 17 of Cali is bigger than the other communes.

- New: The Pueblo Joven neighborhood is newer than the San Fernando neighborhood.

- Far: The Brisas de Pance neighborhood is farther than the Manga neighborhood. 

- Good: The Santa Teresita neighborhood is better than the Marroquin neighborhood.

- Small: The El Hoyo neighborhood is smaller than all the other neighborhoods in the city.

- Noisy: The San Fernando neighborhood is noisier than the Tequendama neighborhood.

- Modern: The Santa Mónica neighborhood is more modern than the La Floresta neighborhood.

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